Free Facebook Tools

Facebook Update Tool we talk about 9 ways how to make money with facebook, now we inform free facebook softwares.
  1. Facebook photo uploader tool software or Adobe uploader for facebook is an application that runs on your desktop or computer. What you need is log in to your facebook account, then read your news feed and publish or update your status to your wall and friends news feed. before you can use adobe uploader for facebook you need to install Adobe AIR. You can download it from Social Networking Guide or Here
  2. Facebook Chat Tool. It is an application that allow you to stay logged into facebook chat on your computer.
  3. Free Facebook Toolbar. Get free facebook toolbar add-on mozilla, it is give you integrate your life into your browser. Facebook search tool toolbar allow you to search facebook from anywhere. Get Notified. Icons on the toolbar tell you how many message you have, friends requests, Notifications ect. Connect with friends, you can sort your friends by name or status and easily interact with them and their profiles. Share Content, lets you find photos on your computer, caption and tag them, and upload them to facebook
  4. Facebook Earth Application. It is uses WPF, virtual earth, facebook developer toolkit and yahoo map service in order to place your facebook friends on a map. Here are some key features of facebook earth: Friends on map, Meeting point with routing information, notifications with driving directions to each friend. You need NET Framework and facebook account to use facebook earth.
  5. Free Unblock Facebook Proxy. To use free proxy facebook you just need to run the software and unblock facebook proxy software will let you surf the site as you normally would with an internet browser. This tool is fast without any adware or spyware.
  6. Facebook Exporter for iPhoto. It is free online tool to make facebook profile picture that enables you to make free facebook images and export photos directly to your facebook account. here
  7. Boost for facebook. Boost for Facebook lets you to costomize your facebook experience with more than 300 facebook skins. Baweh Online Diary Or Here
Above are what I know. If there another free facebook tools tell me please and I will update on this post.

9 ways To Make Money With Facebook

9 Ways To Make Money with Facebook As a continuation of your guide to social networking online article so now I'll posting article 9 ways how to make money with facebook social networking website.

Facebook as the largest social networking sites, it is a place to make money and get a lot of money through facebook. We will not get money directly from facebook, but we use facebook to make money.

If you have been using facebook only to update your status and comment on your friends status. So now begin to monetize facebook. Then how do you make money through facebook?

How To Make Money With Facebook
Many ways that we can do to make money with facebook. there are nine ways to make money on facebook:
  1. Sell advertising space, which displays banner ads or through advertising networks like google adsense pay per click.
  2. sell products or services. Facebook application developers can sell their own products or services or sell products such as klickbank affiliate programs, amazon, ebay.
  3. Make money with facebook apps. Facebook developers can promote their applications and offer it to interested party such free facebook templates.
  4. As a freelance consultant facebook application. With the consultation that you do on facebook application course you will be earning from your service is't it?
  5. Writing and selling e-books on facebook. With the increasing of facebook users each day, it's your opportunity to write things related about facebook like what is facebook social networking sites? How to use facebook to make money? How to protect your facebook account ? and many things that you can write about facebook.
  6. Application Games. How do you earn money with facebook games applications ? When you play games, you socialize with gamers from around the world is not it? with the socializing, you can offer your products or services to the members that you follow the game. wise your offer. Or you make an application games, you can sell chips or value to player of games and you get revenue from sales.
  7. Make Facebook Groups. Not everyone has a lot of time to create a group on facebook. If you have a specific interest after your group grows and has many members, you can offer it to those who are interested in your group.
  8. Offers CPC. CPC or Cost Per Action sometimes known as Pay Per Action or (PPA). You can offer your friends that you follow the CPA sites and you will get paid when your friends buy products or services from websites that you have to offer.
  9. Facebook fan pages or facebook blog. With having the fan pages that have many members, it is easy for you to offer products or services in order to make money from facebook is not it ?
That was nine things about how to make money through facebook. If there are other ways to make money with facebook social networking website you can add opportunities on the comments. Thank you.

Your Guide To Social Networking Online

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Free social networking sites become the new trend nowadays. Every day peoples registered to online social networking to show their existemce. So What is social networking sites? Social networking sites is one way of modern communication, with it we can find old friends who use and registered in the social networking site.

Many benefits can be obtained from social networking website, but we must use it carefully to avoid abuse of our account by irresponsible people or hackers.

Among the benefits that we can get are meet again and establish communication with friends who had long been separated, an effective marketing tool for online marketing because we communicate directly to prospective customers. For young man it's useful to add new friends and expand their network of friends so that they have friends from all over the world, you can monitor traffic road conditions through social networking by chatting with your friends.

We can also share ideas and hobbies that we have, so that will add our knowledge, ask peoples to do things that are useful for life now and future.

Besite the various benefits that we can get a lot of social networking sites mentioned above. It is also not free from negative side such as theft accounts and utilization of our accounts by hackers. Do not share your personal data on the internet except to people who you know.

Other negative things that our data theft and sell it to another party, reimbursment accounts with inappropriate content, using our data for online transactions.

How do I get a lot of traffic from social networking sites?
There are many ways to get website traffic such registering your sites/blogs to search engines, blog directories, social bookmarking, social networking, but baweh online diary will explain how to increase blog traffic through social networking sites.

We all would be happy if our blog visitors crowded so it will inhance our blogs page rank and alexa traffic declined (The smaller value blog is the better blog according to aleca).

How do I increase blog traffic through social networking sites? Understand social networking services you get at the social networking sites that you follow. Do they provide a blog facility, providing a place to put a link to your site, how to communicate among members. If you already understand the facilities that you have, use all facilities you have. Always wise to utilize these facilities or you be considered spammer and you sign up just to promote your blog that can hurt your own reputation.

What Is Google Adwords and How Does It Works ?

Online marketing-google adwords marketing

What is Google Adwords?
Google adwords is the ads that appear alongside search results on google and partner sites google. Adwords is the largest online advertising network business in the world. Google network is a collection of various websites and other products in large quantities such as email and blogs that have partnered with google to display adwords ads. Adwords network advertise business through google adwords. Google adwords is a Pay-Per-Click ads, in other words you only pay when visitors click your ads on google and google adwords ad network.

You can create your ads with text, image or picture and video. Google adwords keyword tool provided that can be used to search for keywords, the numver of hits, the estimad cost competitors. Google adwords free keyword tool is extremely helpful to determine the payment that we want from every click on ads.

How does google adwords work?
You create ads and choose keywords that consist of words or phrases related to your business, when a user performs a search on google using one of your keywords, ads may appear alongside search results. People simply click on the ads to buy or learn more about your business. You do not even need to buy the domain and hosting to advertise and promote your affiliate link, simply search for keywords that match your affiliate business with google adwords tool and put your affiliate link, Done.

How much is the minimum cost of advertising on google adwords?
Some things to consider when calculating the cost of advertising on adwords is set a budget, is defining how the amount of fees you are willing to pay for each click and how much total advertising budget in every day. Specify choice of whether you want to pay for each click on your ads or choose to pay per thousand ad impressions. Do not just choose a keyword in the promotion of your business, because google adwords has provided a tool to find keywords that are relevant to your business. This tool is useful also to implement search engine optimization your site in search results.

What are the benefits of advertising on google adwords?
The benefits of advertising on google adwords, are:
  1. Self-regulation and the cost per day of the month in accordance with our financial capabilities. Google adwords will display ads according to the fung automatically.
  2. Regularly and automatically adwords ads 24/7 hours/day without fail so that advertisers have to wait and monitor the results.
  3. How much fees or charges that have been used, how many times an and is aired, and the customer clicks, and ad effectiveness from day to day can be monitored through adwords account.
  4. Settings and changes the ads that want to show every time when needed.
  5. Change and the reduction or the addition of keywords to improve your ad performance.
  6. Election to terminate or continue the ad impressions every time.
Tips for successful advertising through google adwords:
  1. Write down the keywords in your ad title, so the internet surfer sure that your site is related to what they were looking for.
  2. Create multiple ad groups with separate each keyword you are targeting. This will make your ad is clicked from a variety of online search.
  3. Set a daily budget is higher than the recommended google by adding negative keywords, so your ads really match business goals.
  4. Use landing pages that match your ad's keywords, so the cost is not in vain.
  5. Track your ad results if there are keywords that must be reduced or adding a new keyword variations with increasing your business.
  6. Separation of search ads and ads for adwords networks. It is useful to avoid click fraud on the ad.
  7. Wise in using advertising. Do not let costs greater than revenues.
Who should use google adwords ?
Everyone doing business online should use these services because the right way can increase website traffic and increase revenue. With so many people who maximize their blog to make money, of course need to increase blog traffic so well known on the internet. One way to introduce blog/ website is through ads, isn't it?

Baweh online diary may not be enough to make google adwords guide, hopefully this article useful to you. If you get a free google adwords and how to monitize our blog do not hesitate to share your information from comment.
Baweh online diary may not unou

How To Use Meta Tags for Google Search Engine Optimization Marketing?

How To Use Meta Tags For Search Engine Optimization marketing

Everyone who has used online services, they know what have to do when looking for online informations. Most of them open a google site and start typing the information they need, before they finally reached the site they want. Google search engine is most used people to search informations.

With a large of role search engines provide information to internet users, then you should optimize your site to appear on the main page of search engine results like: google, yahoo, msn, ask, and bing search engines.

One of the things that affect your site positions in the search results page is the meta tags. So What is meta tags?

Meta tags is a tag which is inserted in the header section of the website pages to explain the content of page.

How to implement search engine optimization with meta tags?

Meta tags consist of three things: a meta title tags, meta keyword tags and meta description tags. One of these to be optimized is the meta title tags, why? Because the only meta title tags that are visible to visitors and meta tags spyder.

In addition to the meta tag thing that should be noted also is the main title of the site or the site home page that describes the overall content of the contents of those sites. Site map must also be present in your site, cause site map very useful either spiders or robots meta tags as well as for visitors. With the site maps visitors know the direction where they have to find your site's information.