People can follow places, see what's happening around them and make new friends in the process. provides an interaction technology to make new friends on internet.
New Online social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are great to stay in touch with old friends, family and celebrities but they do not help in connecting with new people. They are more about managing relationships that building a new technology that will help people build relationships on the Internet and get connected with like minded people in the city for fun and work.
Once a user enters the site, they can add places, follow places and see what;s happening there in the local news. Users can also see other followers of the place and interact with them on the website with clicks and messages. They can also share the place with their friends on social networks to let them follow the places that matter for them.
Every action in human behavior has a best set of reactions. e.g. if someone smiles, responses can be smiling back, saying Hi or talking. Loquila technology suggests those responses to the users go well for successful relationship building between the users of the website. can be a useful service for travelers. After changing the city, one can see what are popular places, see the pictures of those places and connect with other travelers or locals following those places. This information can help decide what are the best things to do in the city.
Local news is really useful because it effects the user directly. Basically, helps people to stay informed about all the places they're following. The website also facilitates local news creation by citizens. Everyone can be a reporter and report news at different places. People can vote the news and read the news highly voted by other people. Rating of the news by citizens helps reporters learn about the quality of their news and helps other readers read what is most popular in the city.
Website is ready to launch and under testing phase. Limited set of users are already using the service. Readers who are interested in trying this service out can visit and request a beta invitation to get early access.
PRWeb press release about new social networking sites like facebook can be found :
Catatan harian online seorang yang memiliki julukan Baweh yang ingin menuangkan apa yang terbesit dalam pikiran ke dalam catatan harian online dan keluar dari berbagai macam pakem search engine optimization (SEO) dan trik seo. Karena sebuah catatan terserah yang menulis semoga memberi manfaat bagi pembaca blog
Top Ten Ways To Grow A Loyal Community And Increase Conversation
The best strategies to develop loyalty in your brand, increase conversations and dramatically grow a community of ACTIVE folllowers. So maybe you've begun developing a small business but growing community of interested online "fans". Hopefully you're building your dedicated community of fans by being a "trust agent" (Chris Brogan), delivering value and dedicating yourself to "being remarkable" "Seth Godin".
But, once you've begun to develop this "for community" what are the best strategies to increase loyalty, keep them active and create conversions ?
The marketing guru's who've built hundreds of thousands of people on their "fans lists" for years would say "market them hard". Yet you know internally that you shouldn't be spamming them relentlessly (because you know it feels to be pitched multiple times a day) with an attractive, shiny headline "spinner bait" being trolled along the top of the email marketing water to lure you into clicking and buying their stuff.
Online marketing has changed dramatically in the 5-10 years since many of those "experts" become successful and accumulated their lists. The everage online navigator is far less naive, there is far more competition to delineate yourself from and thus their methods are terribly outdated. But they already have their huge community to do their "email telemarketing" so what do they care.
In today's marketing climate with so many options out there, the average internet prospect is both "jaded" from being burned & far more intelligent. Trust me, you don't have to try and "mass control" anyone. (Yes, I know , I do like Frank but never liked the product same).
I want to give you 10 things that you can do to grow your community, increase long-term sales and avoid causing them to get the ""bait&switch" sickness (ie. You got me to follow because I believed you brought value and now you deluge me with marketing crap). That "virus" is the most powerful cause for community inactivity, complacency and number shrinkage.
Here are the top 10 ways to develop loyalty in your hand, increase conversions and grow you're community of "active" followers long term :
- Provide Personalized Engagement & Acknowledgment Without Hard Selling! (This is #1 for a reason) It's not social media MARKETING; it's SOCIAL media marketing. They are people who want to be engaged with, by YOU in some form that enriches their day. The individual, no matter how "influential" (or not), deserves to be respected as a human being with value (apart from what you feel they may represent to your bank account). Although I personally auto-tweet helpful content I also interact all the time. Any mentions retweets etc. I always personally send a thank you, check in and see how people are doing, how's their marketing efforts are going, how's their family ets. Without ever even thinking of asking for business. This is true on Facebook, site comments etc. This is a theme you'll see in this list but work to be seen as an ASSET! If you do that, good things ALWAYS happen with your business!
- Be A Connector Of The Like Minded & The Center Of The Win-Win Scenarios. Evangelists are fueled by meeting other believers. If you connect them with each other, the value of your network grows. There's actully a mathematical formula that backs this up . It's called Reed's Law. As Chris Brogan states "work to be at the elbow of every deal you can... be a connector"
- Understand Their CORE Motivation They aren't connecting to you because of what you do. As Simon Sinek brilliantly put it, "people don't buy enough to do the right thing; you want to convince those you are attracting that you are doing it for the right reasons, for their best interest. In today's online marketing climate this has NEVER been more vital! Figure that out and you'll be able to give them more of what they want. In order to do that you need to have profiled who you're the target market is that you are pursuing, what's deeply important to them and what their key motivators are (see told you I like Kern).
- Offer Frequent Opportunities To Participate. Don't just offer simple contents; offer involvement. Trustme; it's the difference between watching the movie "Top Gun" and sitting in the cockpit of an F-18. Nothing creates more trusting loyalty than active participatory opportunities. does a great job with this at the bottom of most of their posts they offer a applicable poll question as well as a compelling comment question. Drudge Retort does a great job of this as well. It's the reason they garner thousands of comments per post!
- Keep Your Participation Uniquely Relevant To Them You don't want to pull a topic "180" that undermines your credibility. If you're at my house and I'm talking about landscaping, you wouldn't blurt out "Hey, when will you finally buy my freakin stuff?" Your social point of contract is "your house"- be kind to your guests. If it appears you are doing one only to get the other then your reputation is already compromised. Yes you are here to make money but there is a science... a method to the online marketing madness using social media. You've got to understand that your relevant helpful content alone cements your reputation and is in itself "marketing".
- Be A Quality Content Aggregator. As you've heard me quote him before, Clay Shirky said, "It's not information overload, It's filter failure. "Be the filter for your community about what's relevant to them and they won't have to go other places.
- Offer Social Proof Whenever Possible Comments, participation & positive reviews do something else, they sell! Robert Cialdini in his book "influence" tell us how much we value the opinions of others and that we subconsciously look for clues in the behaviors of those we identify with as to what we should do. Let your community know what others just like them find valuable. Complimenting yourself makes you an egomaniac, the compliments of others makes you celebrity-like.
- Priorotize Providing A Unique Experience . Create an experience that brings with it positive emotions. When you give your community access to unique and valuable information, interact in a way that makes them feel special etc, it builds loyalty, motivates word of mouth and more marketing then you could personally do from a mountain top.
- Make What You Provide Usable . You want to create something that is memorable and reminds them of your value even when they are not in contact with your site or material. The easiest way to accomplish this is to provide something that is easy to implement and use. Making them say "wow that was cool" is one thing. Making them say "Wow that's amazing and I know exactly where I can use that" is essential to being a trust agent and being seen as an invaluable asset.
- Seek Opportunities To Provide Value With "No Strings Attached". The level of value you provide in your blog/site, the quality of your social media interaction and your free give away content need to be able stand on their own. Give some of your best stuff away "some not all". Why ? Tim Sanders has written a great book called Love is the Killer App and he is 100% give you A, if you do B for me" or here's A just because I think you're cool?"
Don't be naive; we are all working to build an affiliate network. We're building an army of people who will point to your site and tell others how great of a person you are, how great of an asset you are and how you're THEIR friend. They will say it with pride "man you've got to go over the a site called Patrick has got years of great content there and his training seriously rocks (yes shameless plug as an example LOL!). Dont you want thousands of people to say that with pride and boast about you and what you have to offer ?
If you're about herding traffic like sheep into pens that lead to a conversion then you're taking your instructions from the so called "guru" examples that you yourself hate & killing your brand reputation in the process. Work to be seen as an invaluable asset to people and they will point people to you from their network that your valuable content & interactions will convert thus creating a momentous wave.
Brand evangelism truly needs to be the focus of your online marketing social traffic generation. Once you get that, it might take a little bit to turn the battleship but trust me ... It will turn and create more business then you can imagine. It's what I preach, teach and see proven every day.
Your coach & fan
Pattrick Daugherty
The "Biz Coach"
CEO of Learn2earn it now Training Support
Source "Top 10 Ways to Grow A Loyal community & Increase Conversions! at :
Social Network Sites and Small Business Opportunities
Social networking online or social marketing is booming in small business and for the entrepreneurial.Blogs are covering multiple genres from personal blogs, business blog and marketing blogs. Technology is a new tool for personal contact and business. Now is the time for small business owners to explore and expand their business on the social network sites.
The development od Web 2.0 tools allows for the extention beyond basic email, and chat with tools like yahoo messenger, MSN messenger, Google talks, and skype that allow for interactivity, instant connection in virtual worlds where business is the key ingredient.
If we go to we saw that A social network ia "social structure made of groups that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, vision, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, kinships, dislikes, conflict or trade". A social networks provide a platform to expand a presence and create a place digitally.
Social network sites are tools to show what you are selling or the service you are providing. There is nompromise when it comes to the importance of content on social network sites, Do you have seen that content is king of site.
The Nielsen Company, showed through studies consumers spent about five and half hours on social network sites ranging from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. This is an 82% increase from past 3 years when users were spending just over three hours on social network sites. Looking at the globalization of social networks and blogs they are the most pupular online categories followed by online games and instant messaging.
The success stories of small business can be found for many business like E3 Business Group headed by Antony Butler. In just over two years E3 Business Group has over 70 business members and partnerships with 100 Black Men of Jacksonville, the Harlem Globetrotters, Taco Bell Foundation, and boys and Girls Club of America just to name a few. E3 Business Group focus on Twitter, Facebook, and Blogging. Journey Into Womanhood-Empowermentresources, is a rites of passage program for girls age from 9-17, that focuses on their healthy transition from girl to young woman. The vision of Elexia Coleman-Moss, Founder and Executive Director, using a web presence, Twitter, Facebook and blogging to share the contributions that this wonderful program provides to the community.
DayShout Private Social Networking Site Free For You
What is DayShout private ssocial networking site ? DayShout isprivate way to always know the physical, emotional and spiritual state of your closest friends and family.
- DayShout monitors the physical, emotional, and spiritual state of your loved ones Every day, you and your friends receive an e-mail requesting that you take about 60 seconds to fill out a brief survey telling us how you are all doing physically, emotionally, and spiritually along with an optional note. You receive instant updates by e-mail about them and they receive one about you. It's that simple. You even get a dashboard to see everyone at once.
- DayShout is free to join Everyone can join basic service of DayShout for free. You start by referring your loved ones to use this service with you. You get unlimited friends, live commenting and trend reports-all for free! No catch!
- Perfect for personal, business, and non-profit use DayShout creates this service for individuals to use with loved ones. But, it can be used by to keep people connected to their organization, life coaches and more. Imagine being able to privately share accountability information every day automatically!
- Don't use social networking for your important relationship If you don't want your update status are indexed by search engines and republished to millions of people, DayShout site is your place for communicating private through.
more about DayShout private social network site : DayShout
First Social Networking Sites for Kids Under 13 Years Old
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is willing to alter the site's regulations to permit children under 13 to join. If site's regulation permit Mark Zuckerberg to alter regulation may be Facebook is the first social networking sites for kids under 13.
Speaking before the NewSchools Summit in California, Zuckerberg acknowledged that the Cheldren's online privacy protection act regulates what information websites can gather on children under age 13. He's determined to change this reported international business times.
"That will be a fight we take on at some point", Zuckerberg reportedly said, "My philosophy is that for education you need to start at a really, really young age". The site hasn't yet begun to figure out how kids would use the site at such an age, though he assured those present that the company would take a lot of precaulations to make sure that younger kids are safe.
more Facebook founder welcomes kids under 13 on site : FoxNews
Speaking before the NewSchools Summit in California, Zuckerberg acknowledged that the Cheldren's online privacy protection act regulates what information websites can gather on children under age 13. He's determined to change this reported international business times.
"That will be a fight we take on at some point", Zuckerberg reportedly said, "My philosophy is that for education you need to start at a really, really young age". The site hasn't yet begun to figure out how kids would use the site at such an age, though he assured those present that the company would take a lot of precaulations to make sure that younger kids are safe.
more Facebook founder welcomes kids under 13 on site : FoxNews
How To Use Social Media Sites To Boost Local Search Engine Traffics
Internet Marketers understand that users-generated content such as ratings and reviews are required elements of a comprehensive location-based search program. These days, it's a question of how to get the most impact out of a social media program.
With the right social media strategy, you can communicate directly with your customers, create engaging discussion topics, and help your marketing go viral. Social media can also boost the prominence of your online brand-awareness and organically propel your business location to the top of local search results.
As interactive marketing option become increasingly complex, so do the criteria requirements for search engine optimization result page. Due to recent changes in Google algorithms, SEO is now aimed at delivering more relevant and personalized information to searchers. An active social media program will make your business locations more prominent in sources across the web, and prominence is a primary factor used by google in local search rankings. Here are six tips that will help you achieve that goal.
- Build a Facebook Fan Pages. Forty percent of facebook users also follow a brand. More than half of these facebook users will move on to purchase that brand. Facebook 'likes' are a speed-marketing tool that virally spread brand awareness by delivering information to the news feeds of everyone befriended by your brand fans.
- Use Twitter to keep in touch with customers. One in four Twitter users follows a brand, and 67 percent of those brand-followers will end up purchasing that specific brand. Your Tweets should engage customers by providing them with helpful information about your business and services. Special offers are a great way to grab the attention of Twitter followers.
- Encourage customers to rate and review your business. Yelp users wrote 6 million reviews in 2010, and the local search site is on track for 9 million in 2011, according to a Mashable report. Customers love online reviews because they can see what others really think about a product or service before making a decision to buy. Reviews in socially interactive sites such as Yelp help you to improve your search engine rankings and drive free web traffics.
- Leverage the power of YouTube in local search results. Embedded videos in Google place pages, websites, and social network profile pages can showcase your products and services while putting a human face on your business.
- Use group-buying sites such as Groupon or LivingSocial Site. During hard economic times, subscription to coupon sites such as these have never been more prevalent. Promoting deals of these huge subscriber bases can be a fast and easy way to create buzz and spread the word about your business without advertising.
- Give customers promotional incentives to share information online. Branded 'share for rewards' programs can encourage customers to share offers with their friends via Facebook, Twitter, IM, and other web channels in exchange for ducsounts on products or services.
More explanation about 6 ways to use social media to boost local search results on : Search Engine Watch
Internet Privacy VS Social Networking Sites
California is currently considering legislation that would change The Privacy Protection of many social networking sites, such as Facebook, Google. The bill, Senate Bill 242, was created as an effort to ensure that the personal information of users of these sites would not be shared without their consent.
To achieve this goal, the bill would require users to specify their privacy settings as part of the process for signing up for an account. It would also force these companies to institute default privacy settings that don't give out more than a user's name and place of residence. Although there have been no talks of passing this type of bill in Florida, this legislation would be the wrong move for this state and should also not be passed in California.
In a letter to State Sen. Ellen Corbett (D), an alliance of Internet companies, trade groups and other technological organizations rightly pointed out that this would increase the operating costs for these groups. Under the bill, companies must remove any information that a user wants removed within 48 hours or face a $10.000 fine, according to the Huffington Post. This could potentially force sites like Facebook to begin changing for their service, which will probably be unpopular with users. It could end up suppressing the growth of these sites and instead decrease the amount of people using them.
The bill also empowers parents to request that social networking sites remove information that a minor has posted online. It essentially makes these sites play the role of social worker, acting as the middle man between the parent and the child. While it may sound righteous to give parents this power over websites, the reality is that these sites could be inundated with an avalanche of requests from parents. Components of the legislation claim that these is a potential first amendment violation with this bill because it restricts the user's ability to "continue speaking as desired". The first amendment prohibits the government from restricting many forms of speech, with certain exception such as hate speech. This law is a potential violation of this amendment because it forces people to hide most of their information until they have chosen otherwise. This is due to the provision that requires social sites to institute default privacy settings. It could also have a slippery slope effect. The government could feel even more empowered to institute stricter privacy standards, possibly determining on its own what information a user is allowed to provide to the public. Passing this law in California could set off a trend, where many other states decide to follow suit.
This legislation should not be passed in California and should not be considered in Florida or other states. It is an infringement on the individual liberty of citizens. Social networking sites already provide privacy settings for users, and individuals should be held accountable to learn how to adjust these settings when they sign up for an account.
It is not the role of the government to come in and try to be the mother hen by forcing social networking sites to implement default privacy settings in the name of protecting users. This legislation unfairly singles out and cracks down on social networking sites and restricts the ability of individuals to speak freely, is should not be actualized. How about You ?
Look more Internet privacy bill unnecessary on : Central Florida FutureWebSite
What's New In Opera 11.11 Browser ?
Yesterday baweh online diary blog for your guide to social networking online published about Mozilla Firefox 5.0, Now we will talking about new revision of opera browser. It is Opera 11.11.
This new release of Opera browser brings many enhancements and new features to make browsing better then ever. Here are the highlights of new opera browser :
- Speed Dial 2.0 Opera's popular speed dial has been greatly enhanced, your favorite pages now have clearer previews, and dials can even dynamically show live content for websites. There is now no limit to how many dials you can use, and it is simple to adjust the speed dial view to best fit your setup.
- Opera Turbo Enhanced With improved compression, Opera Turbo is faster than ever. Boost your browsing speed on crowded Wi-Fi hotspots, tethered mobile phones or dial-up connections.
- Simple Plug-In Installation We have made it easier to install and use plug-ins. With this release, the most popular plug-in, Adobe Flash Player, installs seamlessly and automatically.
- Great New CSS3 Support This version of the opera browser now supports CSS3 linear gradients and multiple coloums. The Opera browser shows webpages using the latest and greatest standards in their full glory.
Mozilla Firefox 5 Downloads
Mozilla 5.0 should become available as a beta browser next month. There has not been much news, however, about the firefox core and how it would change to deliver the ongoing performance improvements mozilla outlined in its firefox roadmap in February.
Today we got a better look at what we can expect in the next versions of firefox. According to a blog post by Dave Mandelin, Mozilla will give Firefox a new debugger, an updated garbage collection process, a few JavaScript enhancements as well as redesigned JIT compiler. Called IonMonkey, the compiler should be significantly faster than today's JaegerMonkey. It is somewhat surprising to see Mozilla working on JaveScript performance as both Microsoft and Google appear to be happy with their performance levels. Firefos 4 can't match Chromme or IE 9 in every benchmark, but it was generally considered to be good enough.
Mozilla also said that it is making changes to its Gecko rendering engine. Project "Azure" targets the creation pf a new 2D graphics API for firefox as well as new 3D backends to accelerate content rendering to OpenGL, Direct3D 9, and Direct3D 10. When implemented, we should see much more efficient hardware acceleration performance that works across all popular OS platforms, including Windows XP.
Mozilla firefox 5 may receive some new features, but Mozilla was pretty clear when it started that this work is very much in the starting phase. Firefox 7 and firefox 8 are better bets to expect IonMonkey and Azure.
Original title "Mozilla Announces new firefox javascript engine on Tom's Guide
Today we got a better look at what we can expect in the next versions of firefox. According to a blog post by Dave Mandelin, Mozilla will give Firefox a new debugger, an updated garbage collection process, a few JavaScript enhancements as well as redesigned JIT compiler. Called IonMonkey, the compiler should be significantly faster than today's JaegerMonkey. It is somewhat surprising to see Mozilla working on JaveScript performance as both Microsoft and Google appear to be happy with their performance levels. Firefos 4 can't match Chromme or IE 9 in every benchmark, but it was generally considered to be good enough.
Mozilla also said that it is making changes to its Gecko rendering engine. Project "Azure" targets the creation pf a new 2D graphics API for firefox as well as new 3D backends to accelerate content rendering to OpenGL, Direct3D 9, and Direct3D 10. When implemented, we should see much more efficient hardware acceleration performance that works across all popular OS platforms, including Windows XP.
Mozilla firefox 5 may receive some new features, but Mozilla was pretty clear when it started that this work is very much in the starting phase. Firefox 7 and firefox 8 are better bets to expect IonMonkey and Azure.
Original title "Mozilla Announces new firefox javascript engine on Tom's Guide
Yammer Breaking News: Yammer Announces Embeddable Activity Feeds
What is Yammer? Yammer is a social networking service for enterprises , can now embedded Yammer feeds and activity streams into just about any business application through the use of embedded codes, the company announced today.
The feature functions of enterprise social network software similar to yammer feeds like the way YouTube users embed video on other websites. It's a few lines of code that fit snugly into an HTML or JavaScript code. The site then calls out to Yammer to pick up any information about a specific feed and publishes it into a widget built into the website. The feed works both ways, too-- any information entered into the widget is sent back to the main Yammer website.
It's a feature you probably wouldn't find on Facebook, the most popular social network in the world, because it could pull users away from the main Facebook website or mobile application. But that's because Yammer's business model is quite different from Facebook, which relies on having users on the website as long as possible to generate advertising impressions. Instead, Yammer makes money by charging companies for premium features and additional control over the enterprise social network.
The company uses a Freemason model - which gives companies a free taste of a stripped-down version of Yammer in order to hook employees on the service. Yammer charges $5 per user per month for a "gold" subscription that offers additional control and support from the Yammer team. Yammer then converts around 19 percent of its free yammer users into paid users. The companies either find value in the service, or it becomes so widespread among employees that the companies need a way to control the flow of information and make sure there are no leaks.
Yammer enterprise social network site also announced a few new features, including an activity feed that is similar to Facebook's news feed. The feed collects "stories", such as when users join new groups within Yammer or when they change parts of their profiles. Yammer is also releasing a number of application programming interfaces (APIs) that let other companies create stories that will show up in the Yammer activity feed as items that can be liked and commented on. And, yammer is letting companies define what email addresses on Yammer are allowed to see the stories when they appear on the activity feed.
The company is also releasing an open graph protocol that is, again, similar to Facebook's open graph protocol. The feature basically adds "like" button and a number of other ways to interact with a piece of content that links back to Yammer. That can include commenting, sharing or interacting with it in additional ways. Facebook pioneered this by adding a "like" ans "share" button to many sites across the web - Yammer is basically trying to do the same thing for any site within a company's intranet.
Yammer has picked up around 2 million verified corporate users and 80 percent of the largest companies in the world on the Fortune 500 list have deployed the enterprise social network. It's one of a number of stars in the enterprise 2.0 space - along with companies like collaboration service Huddle and cloud storage provider - that are taking a lot of the lessons learned from Web 2.0 applications like Twitter and Facebook to the enterprise. You can go to yammer site from URL or
Original news "Breaking free: Yammer announces embeddable activity feeds" at : Venturebeat
Cigarette Pack Brings Social Networking To Smokers : Will It Help Them Quit From Their Habit ?
![]() |
blu Cigs Smart Pack (Credit blu Cigs) |
Meet new cigarette packs "Blu Smart Pack". The first social networking cigarette packs.
The rechargeable package-scheduled to go on sale in June for $80- connects wirelessly to social networking sites and even flashes a blue light and vibrates if it detects other packages nearby.
"You'll meet more people than ever, just because of the wow factor", said Jason Healy the company's founder told to the New York Tomes.
Not everyone's as convinced it's such a great idea. Adam Alfandary, 24, a smoker from Brooklyn, N.Y, called it one of the dumbest thing he's ever heard. "And I'm saying that in full acknowledgment that smoking is one of the dumbest things I can do," he told the Times.
Smoking cessation experts aren't sure the device, with is designed for use not with traditional cigarettes but with so-called "e-cigarettes", which delivers nicotine-laced water vapor instead of tobacco smoke, is anything more than a gimmick.
Dr. Alan Blum, director of the University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society, told CBS News the idea of a social network is "wonderful". Blum points to a 2008 "New England Journal of Medicine" study that showed smokers who joined others in trying to stop smoking were more likely to succeed than smokers who tried kicking the habit on their own.
"But I really don't understand how this e-pack signal is going to do anything other than help you pick up girls".
Almost 50 million Americans are regular smokers. Smoking can cause heart attacks, stroke, and many forms of cancer, in addition to other health problems.
Cigarette pack brinks social networking to smokers article's source : CBSNEWS
Teens Who Drink Seem Drawn To Social Networking Sites
Teenagers who drink are more likely to spend extra hours at their computers for activities not related to their schoolwork, a new study shows.
Researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City found that visiting social networking sites and downloading or listening to music are among the pastimes linked to drinking.
The study, published in the May issue of Addictive Behaviors, anonymously surveyed 264 American teenagers ranging in age from 13 to 17. The research showed that teens who reported drinking in the past month used a computer for recreational activities for more hours a week than teens who said they did not drink. No link was found between alcohol and computer use for educational purposes, and the researchers found no significant connection between video games or online shopping and drinking.
"While the specific factors linking teenage drinking and computer use are not yet established, it seems likely that adolescents are experimenting with drinking and activities on the Internet", study author Jennifer Epstein, a public health researcher at Weill Cornell, said in a news release from the university. "In turn, exposure to online material such as alcohol advertising or alcohol-using peers on social networking sites could reinforce teens' drinking".
The finding should serve as a red flag for parents, Epstein noted. "Children are being exposed to computers and the Internet at younger ages", she said. "for this reason, it's important that parents are actively involved in monitoring their children's computer usage, as well as alcohol use".
Epstein added that parents might also need to reinforce their ground rules on both alcohol consumption and computer time. Among the risk factors for teenage alcohol abuse :
- Lax parental supervision
- Poor communication between parents and teens
- Family conflicts
- Inconsistent or harsh discipline
- A family history of alcohol or drug abuse
"The Internet offers a wealth of information and opportunities for intellectual and social enrichment", Gil Botvin, chief of the division of prevention and health behavior at Weill Cornell, said in the news release. "However, it's becoming clear that there may also be a downside to Internet use. More systematic research is needed to better understand those potential danger and how to combat them".
More of teens who drink seem drawn to social networking sites on : Health News
How To Invest For Long-Term Inflation
It's no secret that food and energy are volatile and rising of late. Yet what's missing from the latest inflation hand-wringing is what's down the road. Some commodities are becoming scarcer and that will drive long-term inflation.
While few invest based on scarcity, it's a prudent long-term strategy. This is not something that will turn up in the latest inflation numbers. In the most recent costumer price index report, core inflation climbed at a 1.3 percent annual rate in April. Gasoline prices accounted for half the increase.
One Long-term prediction that has slowly manifested itself over the past 30 years is the concept of peak oil. This story-borne out by production figures-posits that we have passed the peak of petroleum production worldwide. New oil is not only harder to find, it's in places that are tougher to access, such as miles below the ocean floor.
Is peak oil responsible for the recent $100/barel-plus prices ? Not entirely, since supply disruptions in the Middle East and speculation play a big part. There's also the demand side Developing countries like China, India, and Brazil want their share of hydrocarbons for new cars, chemicals, plastics and fertilizer.
Some of the peak-oil thinking has already been integrated into urban planning in emerging economies. New public-transit systems are being built in 82 Chinese and 14 Indian cities. It's extremely difficult to buy a car in either Shanghai or Beijing. If we're indeed seeing the end of the carbon age, then mass transit is a positive development.
Speaking of transportations, more of it is greening due to the revolution in electric cars and batteries. Not only are cars becoming all-electric, they can go further on a single charge. Right now, no one can use them for long trips. With never technology, that will change.
Long-term, greener vehicles mean lower transportation costs, which take a hefty bite of family budgets in an era of $4-plus-a-gallon gasoline and diesel. Of course, it would be ideal if the bulk of electricity used to power green cars didn't come from coal. But that, too, will depend on whether smart policy planners device a national program for renewable power. At present, there is no viable, long-range clean-energy plan in the U.S. It's all a hodge-podge now.
More of how to invest for inflation on Reuters
Is peak oil responsible for the recent $100/barel-plus prices ? Not entirely, since supply disruptions in the Middle East and speculation play a big part. There's also the demand side Developing countries like China, India, and Brazil want their share of hydrocarbons for new cars, chemicals, plastics and fertilizer.
Some of the peak-oil thinking has already been integrated into urban planning in emerging economies. New public-transit systems are being built in 82 Chinese and 14 Indian cities. It's extremely difficult to buy a car in either Shanghai or Beijing. If we're indeed seeing the end of the carbon age, then mass transit is a positive development.
Speaking of transportations, more of it is greening due to the revolution in electric cars and batteries. Not only are cars becoming all-electric, they can go further on a single charge. Right now, no one can use them for long trips. With never technology, that will change.
Long-term, greener vehicles mean lower transportation costs, which take a hefty bite of family budgets in an era of $4-plus-a-gallon gasoline and diesel. Of course, it would be ideal if the bulk of electricity used to power green cars didn't come from coal. But that, too, will depend on whether smart policy planners device a national program for renewable power. At present, there is no viable, long-range clean-energy plan in the U.S. It's all a hodge-podge now.
More of how to invest for inflation on Reuters
The Customer Report Says : 7.5 Million Kids On Facebook Are At Risk
As many as 7.5 million kids under the age of 13 are using the Facebook service, despite the company's official prohibition-5 million under the age of 10. For minors who lack the experience or judgment to use a social network, this raises the scary potential of sexual predators tracking down kids who reveal their age in an online chat. cyber bullying and more according to a new survey related Tuesday by Consumer Reports.
"A million kids were bulled on Facebook in the last year", Jeff Fox, technology editor at consumer reports, told "A 10-year-old is not well-equipped to deal with those things".
Fox said Facebook recognizes that kids should not use the service and prohibits access to those under 13. But the age verification system is weak, he said: It's too easy to lie about your age. Facebook could instead use existing age verification services such as Privo. Or a parent could first prove their age using credit card verification and then vouch for the child's age. He suggested.
Facebook declined to comment specifically to about the Consumer Reports survey, but did release an official statement about the Consumer Reports survey.
"Recent reports have highlighted just how difficult it is to implement age restrictions on the Internet and that there is no single solution to ensuring younger children don't circumvent a system or lie about their age". the statement reads. "We appreciate the attention that these reports and other experts are giving this matter and believe this will provide an opportunity for parents teachers, safety advocates and Internet services to focus on this are, with the ultimate goal of keeping young people of all ages safe online".
A serious issue ?
Child safety is but one aspect of a complex problem. The Consumer Reports survey found that has many as 5 million computers in U.S, households were exposed to a virus. There's another twist. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) makes it illegal to collect information about kids using an Internet service, said Ross Ellis, the founder of child-advocacy group Love Our Children USA.
In 2006, the FTC fined popular blogging site $1 million for collecting information about minors. The COPPA guidelines are strict, Ellis said, with plenty of paperwork to sign for a parent to approve a child's access, and most sites just restrict access altogether.
Cyberbullying is yet another problem: Younger kids aren't as emotionally developed to deal with adults and teens who make hurtful comments. "Everything from hurt feelings to emotional abuse, isolation, depression and humiliation can result from posts on facebook", said Tom Jacobs, a retired juvenile judge who wrote the book "Teen cyberbullying Investigad" and runs the site Ask The Judge.
Dealing With The Problem
Social media expert Dr. Marcella Wilson of Wilson Consulting told that parents should better monitor their child's Internet access overall. She advises creating a contract between parent and child about how the Internet will be used.
Bob Gaines, a consultant with security firm, said parents and kids should follow basic Facebook protocol. Avoid stating your location or saying you are home alone; in your profile; do not reveal your exact age, and of course make sure you know your child's username and password.
The social networking sites survey source post of 7.5 million kids on facebook are at risk at :
Google Music Launching Tuesday Without Label Licenses
Sources say Sony Music and Universal proved to be bottlenecks for the cloud-based service, which allows users to upload music to a personal online storage locker, from where they can stream and download files to Internet connection device. Providing unable to come to an agreement with all the major labels for the music service it. Originally wanted, Google is going to pull an Amazon and unveil a digital music locker service without any licensing deals at all during a keynote tomorrow at it's I/0 conference in San Fransisco, Google execs tell Billboard.
Called Music Beta by Google, the service will allow users to upload their music library to a personal online storage locker, from where they can stream and download files from Internet connection device.
This is virtually identical to Amazon's Cloud Drive, with a few differences, Most notably, the service is available on a limited, invite-only basis limited to U.S users. Those wanting to use the service will have to request an invite at, with priority given to those with the Motorola Xoom tablet and to attendees of the I/0 conference. Additionally, Google is limiting the number of songs that can be uploaded to the music locker to 20,000. The service is free while in beta, and the company would not comment on what future pricing options it may have planned.
Clearly, this is not the music service google wanted to offer, and google director of content partnerships Zahavah Levine who led the company's negotiations with the major label made it clear who she feels is to blame.
"we've been in negotiations with the industry for a different set of features, with mixed results," she told Billboard the night before the announcement was made. "(But) a couple of major labels were less focused on innovation and more on demanding unreasonable and unsustainable business terms".
Sources tell Billboard that Sony Music Group and Universal Music Group proved the bottlenecks inn this case. Google wanted to offer a scan-and-match style locker service-where instead of uploading different copies of the same track to store in a locker for each users, the service would scan user's libraries and match the songs they own to a centralized server, paying rightholders for each stream. Without the rights to do so, the message from google is clear-either get on board or we'll move on without you.
Driving the launch is the completion of Google's new music player app, which will also be unveiled tomorrow. The app is for Android devices that anyone can download. It can be used to play any music stored on Android devices, but can't access music from the cloud unless users are part of the beta.
Insiders reveal that the app was only fully backed about six weeks ago, and until that app was finished Google had no intention of launching any kind of music service-unlicensed or otherwise. Getting this music player out was obviously a priority for Google, so it could start establishing Android products as music devices in their own right.
While it may not Google ultimately has in mind. for instance, the music app has an instant mix feature that creates a playlist based on a single song. The service analyzes the song's characteristics and pulls other similar songs from the users music library. Another cool feature is that the playlists created can be synched across devices. So playlists created on a user's mobile phone will immediately show up on a tablet device or Google account online. There's no need to transfer files between devices.
Google music features :Google music beta has some features like
- Any web-connected device with a browser or supporting Flash can stream music from the locker. Requires Android-powered devices with the app installed to download and play cached streams.
- Users who sign up for the locker service will get free music added, similar to how some mp3 players ship with sample tracks. Google negotiated rights to this free music with various rightsholders.
- All music available to each device is available in a single view, meaning users won't see one list for music stored native on the device and another list of music stored in the locker
- Audio quality for streaming files can be as high as 320kbps if the device and network supports it.
Levine stressed that many more features may be added to the service over time, and that google will continue to seek licenses with the major labels.
"A large segment of the music industry worked cooperatively and was extremely helpful sorting out the issues of online licensing", she said, giving particular credit to the independent label and publishing communities. "We certainly remain open to partnerships with the music industry for new features and functionality. This is the beginning of what we hope will be a long relationship with music and users and helping users engage with music and artist and fans".
Google music beta features sources HollywoodReporter
Facebook Triumphs Among Kiwi Teens
An online survey shows facebook social networking site is the favorite social networking sites for Kiwi teens but it also reveals they are very fickle.
In the national CensusAtSchool survey, 84% of the 1800 teenagers polled said they have a facebook page, compared to 33 % in the 2009 survey. But the early results also show how quickly once-popular sites can crash from favour. Just 27% of the 13 to 18-years old surveyed have a Bebo page and 7% a MySpace page.
"The numbers show how quickly social networking sites can go from hero to zero among teenagers". Says CensusAtSchool co-director Rachel Cunliffe. "Young people are early adopters and they are also fickle-they will go where their friends are going".
Social networking guide source :tvnz
In the national CensusAtSchool survey, 84% of the 1800 teenagers polled said they have a facebook page, compared to 33 % in the 2009 survey. But the early results also show how quickly once-popular sites can crash from favour. Just 27% of the 13 to 18-years old surveyed have a Bebo page and 7% a MySpace page.
"The numbers show how quickly social networking sites can go from hero to zero among teenagers". Says CensusAtSchool co-director Rachel Cunliffe. "Young people are early adopters and they are also fickle-they will go where their friends are going".
Cunliffe was surprised to see that hype about the rapid spread of the twitter short-messaging system isn't matched by usage and just 20% of the teenagers had a Twitter account.
The biannual educational project runs from may 02-june 10 and is supervised by more than 700 teachers. Students aged between 7 and 18 are answering 31 online questions about themself from their arm-span measurement to how they travel to school, and how many hours sleep they had the right before.
The 15-minute survey is available in English and Maori. It's hosted by the Department of Statistics at the University of Auckland in association the Ministry of Education.
This is the fifth time New Zealand has held CensusAtSchool, which is also run in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. "CensusAtSchool is about showing pupils the value of statistics in everyday life". Cunliffe said.
"Students and teachers will get data back that they will analyze together in the classroom, and that will provide even more learning opportunities".
Social networking guide source :tvnz
Social Networking Sites Helps In Seeking Jobs
Troy: Kelly Global Workforce Index, an annual survey that reveals opinions about work and workplace from a generational viewpoint, conducted a survey on how people these days are losing their jobs because of personal content on the pages of Social networking websites and hunting for jobs online.
This survey obtained views from approximately 97,000 people in 30 countries covering Americas, APAC and EMEA regions. The duration of the survey was from October 2010 to January 2011. In the survey, respondents were asked a series of questions relating to their usage of social networking sites as an employment tool. They were even asked to identity for which social networking sites are frequently used for searching jobs and by what method they obtained their last job. The survey also helped in identifying the impact of social media content on people's careers and issues they face by using social networking websites within the workplace.
The results of the survey showed that the most popular social networking sites to find work is facebook and Linkedln which is preferred by 33 percent and 32 percent of people respectively, 23 percent use other sites, 10 percent use blogs and 3 percent use Twitter. Facebook is preferred by Generation Y while Linkedln is preferred by Generation X.
26 percent of respondents are worried that the material from their social networking page could impact their careers since they all share contents about career fallout on social networking sites. 28 percent believe it is important to be active on social media in order to build their career, 30 percent say that the employees are not allowed to access social networking sites as per the company policy.
Among the 30 countries, Indian cities like Mumbai and Delhi are confident of finding a job through social media, 90 percent of Indian employees have an individual accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln and out of them, 81 percent use it for professional purposes. About 87 percent of Indian employees use social media to find information about an organizations work culture.
Read original post on Siliconindia
Wordspreadz Launches The Intelligent Social Network
Wordspreadz launches the intelligent social network site, the inclusive social network raises the bar to promote intelligent dialogue.
Wordspreadz is a new inclusive social networking site that brings a compelling new approach to social networking with the objective of facilitating discussion on globally relevant topics and enhancing the caliber and depth of interaction among its members.
To pique interest, wordspreadz asks users to express their thoughtfully developed positions, offer relevant details and post pictures and videos relating to a range of continually expanding open-ended questions. Topics range from complex issues such as whether to add a new amendment to the United States Constitution of the status of a particular nation's political unrest to less controversial topics such as what was the worst vacation they ever had and what bands they would want to see in a small club.
"Until now, social networking sites content has largely focused on brief exchanges of opinions or simple conversations between family and friends", said Simon King, co-founder and CEO of wordspeadz.
"Although existing social networks certainly provide a highly valid venue for this type of communication, we built wordspreadz to serve as a forum for people wishing to heighten their level of involvement in discussions about global news and compelling topics of the day," said King.
Another unique facet of Wordpreadz is the ability to browse and learn prior to committing to official membership. While other social networks demand full registration in order to simply become acquainted with the site, wordspreadz encourages visitors to test drive its site without requiring registration. Only once a visitor decides to participate in or comment upon a discussion is the free wordspreadz registration required.
"From day one we decided to tuild a social platform that allowed everyone to browse the entire site without registration," said Andy Neville, the company's co-founder and CTO.
As personal privacy becomes an increasingly significant concern among members of social networks, wordspreads assures users their privacy is of utmost importance and will not be compromised.
"Once a visitor becomes a registered user, wordspreadz limits the amount of personal information a user can provide in an effort to maintain their privacy," Neville said. "We encourage users to review our privacy policy at:
Wordspreadz is a privately held company, with headquarters in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Wordspreadz is the trademark of wordspreadz, inc.
Source wordspreadz press release : HERE
Osama Bin Laden Is Dead
News about Osama Bin Laden is dead erupts social networking sites after President Barrack Obama said in an address from the white house that a small team of Americans carried out the operation to kill osama bin laden in Pakistan, and that cooperation from Pakistani.
President Obama said he authorized the mission to make a move on Bin Laden last week. The attack went down today in the compound where the Al Qaeda leader was hiding, Bin Laden was killed after a firefight.
Many peoples create about Osama bin Laden dead's facebook pages and upload their video to youtube. If you have about osama bin laden is dead give us link to your references.
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