How Cisco Uses Social Media To Connect With Customers

LaSandra Brill shares insights into how Cisco reached 90 times the audience at one-sixth the cost on a recent social media product launch and how they did this compared to a similar launch using traditional marketing. You'll also hear about other ways Cisco uses social media to deepen relationships and connect with customer.

Larasandra Brill explain how to use social media to connect with customers. Below are some of the things you'll learn from Larasandra Brill:
  • Use blogger outreach for your social media product launch to connect with a wider audience.
  • Show a lighter side on Facebook to get more engagement with customers there.
  • Adapt to your social media audience : Cisco uses MetaCafe in addition to Youtube due to their global reach.
  • Identity the channels you want to target so you don't spread yourself too thin.
  • Follow how B2B companies are integrating the Facebook Like Button.
Want to know how Cisco uses social media to connect with customers from her video ? In this video LaSandra Brill talks about the cool stuff Cisco is doing with social media. Click HERE

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